The Hansons on the Jonas Brothers

It can be argued that the Jonas Brothers are Hanson (2.0).

But, instead of harboring any sort of spite for the 'biters', it looks like the Hansons have nothing but love for the new, wholesome, brotherly kings of pop.

The Hansons chatted with Access Hollywood about the Jonas phenoms.

The eldest Hanson, Issac told the entertainment chatter show:

“I wish them all the best in the world. It’s a hard job and they’re definitely packing a lot in."

Taylor Hanson, the hottest one, said the following about the New Jersey trio's music and their future:

“On the musical side, I think there’s very little similarity between us and the Jonas Brothers but I think they seem like really talented guys. They care about each other. [I] just really wish them a lot of luck. I hope they can translate what they’ve done into a career — a long career — in a similar way that we’ve been able to for many years. It’s a great privilege to be able to have this be your career… One clear thing the Jonas Brothers actually have going for them is they have written their own songs. I think what you see a lot of times, unfortunately people like Britney Spears or people that seem to go off the rails when they started out, it wasn’t really their deal. For us, people used to joke like, ‘We couldn’t stop you guys from doing it if we wanted to. When we were young, it was our songs, it was our show, it was our attitude, it was our vision for music videos… For better or worse it was always us. So instead of us waking up in a drunken stupor [years later] and realizing someone stole our money, we started off doing what we wanted and we continued.”

The Hanson' bring up a good point.

For all you aspiring rockers out there, write your own music, y'all.

You'll be in better shape, financially at least, when you're not at the top any more!

But, we wonder what the Hansons really say about the Jonai in private.