Browser Requirements for Accessing INTERNET BANKING SERVICES

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 5.5 or above and with following features enabled.

  • Cipher Strength 128 bit.
  • Enable Use SSL 2.0 & Use SSL 3.0.
  • Enable  Java Scripting
  • Enable  either Microsoft VM or Sun Java/ JRE

Ø      Cipher Strength 128 bit

o       Open "Internet Explorer" window

o       Click on "Help"

o       Go to "About" Internet Explorer.

o     "Cipher Strength" should be "128 bit".

Ø      Enable Use SSL 2.0 & Use SSL 3.0.

o       Open Internet Explorer window

o       Click on "Tools"  -> "Internet Options" -> "Advanced" tab

o       Under the window Settings, go to "Security"

o       The check boxes for "Use SSL 2.0" & "Use SSL 3.0" should be ticked.

Ø      Enable Java Scripting

o       Open Internet Explorer window

o       Click on "Tools"   ->  "Internet Options" ->  "Security"  tab  ->  "Internet"  ->  "Custom Level" Button 

o       Under the window Settings, go to "Scripting"

o       The radio button "Active Scripting" should be enabled, and also the radio button "Scripting of Java Applets" should be enabled. 

Ø      Enable Java (Microsoft VM),

In case if you have "Sun Java/ Java Run Time Environment (JRE)" and it is enabled, please ignore this.

Step 1

o       Open Internet Explorer window

o       Click on "Tools"  -> "Internet Options" -> "Advanced" tab

o       Under the window Settings, go to "Security"

o       The check boxes forthe options under Microsoft VM " should be ticked.

Step 2

o       Open Internet Explorer window

o       Click on "Tools"   ->  "Internet Options" ->  "Security"  tab  ->  "Internet"  ->  "Custom Level" Button 

o       Under the window Settings, see if "Microsoft VM" is available or not.

o       If "Microsoft VM" is available, the radio button for "Java Permissions" should be set at "Custom".

o       In the same ‘Security Settings’ ("Tools"   ->  "Internet Options" ->  "Security"  tab  ->  "Internet"  ->  "Custom Level"-> "Java Custom Settings") window, click "Java Custom Settings"  A new window will open.  Select the second panel "Edit Permissions".  Ensure that all radio buttons are ‘Enabled’. 

Ø      Enable Java (Sun),

In case if you have Microsoft VM and it is enabled, please ignore this.

Step 1

o       Open Internet Explorer window

o       Click on "Tools"  -> "Internet Options" -> "Advanced" tab

o       Under the window Settings, go to "Security"

o       The check boxes forthe options under "Java [Sun]" should be ticked.

o       In case you don’t have "Java [Sun]", please download "Java [Run Time Environment (JRE)" and install the same from following URL –

Step 2

o       Open Internet Explorer window

o       Click on "Tools"  -> "Internet Options" -> "Security Settings" tab.

o       Under the Web Content Zone, select "Trusted Sites" and click on "Sites…"

o       Enter “” [eg,you should add your banking site] in the text field and enter “OK” button. 

o        Un-check the checkbox “Require server verification (https) for all sites in this zone”.