The Dreams of a People - Dedicated to Obama

The Dreams of a People 

"Heal our land, grant us peace, and strengthen us today 
All those who lack the faith to call on Thee and pray 
Keep us safe and free, we see the need for liberty 
Guide us with your hand and still bless that great country 

We'll put our trust in Thee so we will thus be free 
Heal our land; Lead us in truth and democracy 
Help us find our way, with love and fraternity 
Protect us all with the power of unity" 

"We know you dream for us in a constellation 
When you dream, the flowers blush in admiration
Let us have another dream of yours; I have a dream 
We shall say from the heart you refresh with a stream 

We will stand up again for what is right and just 
Give us the courage to be diligent we must 
Be fair, equitable, in our sharing the wealth 
Of our hard work to keep ev'ryone in good health 

Show us how to invest our capital surplus 
And create meaningful careers for all of us 
Move us to be very dynamic in our jobs 
Fruitful, dedicated, not wasteful and proud snobs 

We dream as a people for a new beginning 
From years of challenges, a true awakening 
From the past nightmare of disasters and tough lies 
Misleading cues of life in politics and ties 

With selfish interests and pride, glory and rush 
Sacrifices and dreams wiped by a money brush 
We dream again, we thrive for the hope of real change 
May Obama lead us to wealth in higher range 

The wealth of real Justice, the wealth of real nurture 
One nation under God, away from the vulture 
Of greed and ugly risks, of stagnation and fear 
To health for a country we cherish and hold dear 

The audacity of hope instills optimism 
In our hearts of patriots, we'll fight terrorism 
Wherever we find it, we'll crush it with precision 
And avert it with love and wisdom and decision 

With guidance from above, hard work and diplomacy 
And good monitoring, swift in immediacy 
We will be strong and fair, we'll fight and win and care 
For dreams of poor and rich, because the people dare 

Carl Edward Nicolas 
With a paraphrase of Wintley Phipps in the first ten verses 
Listen to the song: (O God )"Heal our Land" by Wintley Phipps